Berbagai Ucapan Selamat dari Penjuru Dunia untuk Joe Biden Usai Menangi Pilpres AS 2020

Joe Biden dan Kamala Harris memenangkan ajang Pilpres 2020.

Berikut berbagai ucapak selamat dan pemimpin dunia.

Jokow Widodo, Presiden Indonesia

My warmest congratulations @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris on your historic election. The huge turn out is a reflection of the hope placed on democracy.

Datuk Ajuansyah Surbakti Ketua Bidang HANKAM dan Luar Negeri Partai Bulan Bintang

Muse Bihi Abdi, Presiden Somaliland

On behalf of the Government and the people of the Republic of Somaliland, congratulations to the President-elect @JoeBiden and Vice President-elect @KamalaHarris. #Somaliland, as a reliable partner and ally, is willing to work with you for bolstering democracy & global security.

Mustafa Alkhadimi, Perdana Menteri Irak

Congratulations to President-Elect @JoeBiden and Vice President-Elect @KamalaHarris. I look forward to working with you on strengthening the strategic ties that bind Iraq and the United States, building on common values between our nations to overcome challenges together.

Mohammaed bin Zayed, PM UAE

Congratulations to @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris on winning the US elections. Our sincere wishes for further development and prosperity for the American people. The UAE and USA are friends and allies with a strong historic partnership that we look forward to strengthening together.

Masrour Barzani, PM Kurdistan Irak

I congratulate @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris.
I look forward to continuing the close, strong cooperation between the Kurdistan Region and the US.
Our partnership is crucial to regional stability and prosperity. -mb.

Nechirvan Barzani, Presiden Kurdistan Irak

My heartfelt congratulations to President-Elect @JoeBiden and Vice President-Elect @KamalaHarris on their victory in the U.S. presidential election. I look forward to working together to further strengthen our partnership and bilateral ties.

Mohammed Farmaajo, Presiden Somalia

Congratulations President-elect of the United States of America @JoeBiden and VP-elect @KamalaHarris. Somalia wishes you success in your endeavors. We look forward to close cooperation and partnership. USA is a strong ally and partner in #Somalia’s progress & development.

Nasr Al Hariri, Presiden SNC/SIG Suriah

‏نهنئ الرئيس الأمريكي المنتخب جو بايدن ‎@JoeBiden بفوزه برئاسة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
نتطلع إلى تعاون جاد مع إدارته في القضية السورية وتفعيل الضغوط الدولية على النظام وفرض مسار الحل السياسي ضمن إطار زمني ملزم ووفق القرارات الدولية.

Barham Salih, Presiden Irak

I extend warmest congratulations to President-elect @JoeBiden, a friend and trusted partner in the cause of building a better Iraq. We look forward to working to achieve our common goals and strengthening peace and stability in the entire Middle East.

Mazloum Abdi, Panglima Militer SDF/SDC Suriah

I extend my warmest congratulations to @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris on their historic election victory. We look forward to continued close cooperation with the United States to protect our gains in the fight against Daesh and build a better future for Syrians.

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